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《Can you play the guitar?》PPT课件7

admin 发布于2016-01-31 七年级英语下册PPT课件 319 0

《Can you play the guitar?》PPT课件7《Can you play the guitar?》PPT课件7《Can you play the guitar?》PPT课件7

《Can you play the guitar?》PPT课件7

Let’s enjoy the song:

I can sing,sing,sing,sing.

I can dance,dance,dance

I can jump,jump,jump.

What can you do?

I can play the piano.

I can play the drum.

And I can play the violin.

... ... ...


1, 动词原形。情态动词can后接动词原形.

He can ___(swim).


He ___(swim) well.

3,动词ing。like doing sth喜欢做某事=like to do sth

He likes ___(swim). She likes ___(dance)

go swimming 去游泳

4,  动词不定式。want to do sth 想要去做某事

Tom wants ___(play) the guitar after class.


sing—singer歌手  swim—swimmer游泳运动员

dance—dancer舞者,run—runner 奔跑者

Liu Huan is a __(sing). He ___(sing) well

... ... ...

四个“说” speak / say / tell / talk

1,speak  演讲;说(某种语言)

speak English / Chinese

2, say  说(具体内容)

He says “Hello”

Can you say it in English?

3, tell 告诉;讲述(故事/笑话)

tell sb to do sth 告诉某人去做某事

tell sb about sth告诉某人(关于)某事

tell stories / jokes

4, talk 交谈,谈论

talk to / with sb与某人交谈

talk about sth交谈(关于)某事

... ... ...

Free talk:

A: What club do you want to join?


B:I want to join the …

A: What club does he/she want to join?

B:He /She wants to join the …


1. Gina wants to j____ the music club.

2. Can you s_____ English?

3. I can play the piano but can’t play the  v_____.

4. Can you h____ kids with swimming?

... ... ...


1.I can play chess.(变成一般疑问句)

 _______  you_____ chess?

2.She can play the guitar.(变成一般疑问句)

 ______ she_____ the guitar?

3.They can play basketball.(变为否定句)

They ______   ______ basketball.

4.He can dance.(否定句)

He_______  dance.

5.We can speak English.(提问)

_______ ______ you ______?

6.I  can sing and dace. (改为否定句)

I __________ sing __________ dance.

7. 请给Bill打电话1234567.

Please _________ Bill _________1234567.

关键词:《Can you play the guitar?》教学课件,人教版七年级下册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Can you play the guitar?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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