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《How often do you exercise?》PPT课件8

admin 发布于2015-09-23 八年级英语上册PPT课件 383 0

《How often do you exercise?》PPT课件8《How often do you exercise?》PPT课件8

《How often do you exercise?》PPT课件8



1. She is too busy and h___ ever watches TVin the evening.

2. She often helps her mother with h____ on weekends.

3. My favorite p____ is CCTV news.

4. Most of the students use the I____ for fun.

5. I exercise only t______ a week because i'm not free.

... ... ...

1. ___ do you visit your grandparents?Twice a week.

A  How long  B how often  C how far

2.I ____ go to the movie, but not very often.

A sometimes B usually  C always

3. what's his favorite ____ ? It's Animal World.

A  subject   B program  C month

4. How often does Bob play tennis?

A  twice  B two times  C once a week

5. Are you ____ next week? No,it is full for me.

A free  B  busy  C have time

... ... ...

A  What do you do on weekends?

B   I often play soccer.

A  What does Alice do on weekends?

B   She often helps with housework.

go to the movie        exercise  

watch TV                  read English books

use the Internet        shop

... ... ...

选词填空:sometimes , hardly ever,  never usually,  always , often,  once,  twice,times  

A  What do you ___ do on weekends?

B  I usually use the Internet because I love the games so much.

A  How __ do you exercise? 

B  I exercise three___ a week.

A  Are you sometimes late for school?

B  No, I am ___ late for school because I__ get up early in the morning.

A  How often do you go to movies?

B  I go to the movie with my friends ___ or___ a month.

A  Do you like shopping?

B  No, I ___ ___  go shopping. my monther ____ goes shopping.

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