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《If you go to the party you'll have a great time!》PPT课件15

admin 发布于2015-09-28 八年级英语上册PPT课件 332 0

《If you go to the party you\ll have a great time!》PPT课件15《If you go to the party you\ll have a great time!》PPT课件15

《If you go to the party you'll have a great time!》PPT课件15

if 引导的条件状语从句



例句1 如果你努力工作, 你的梦想将会实现。

If you work hard, your dream will come true.

例句2 如果明天下雨, 我将不出去散步。

If it rains tomorrow, I won’t go out for a walk.

... ... ...

Listen again. Complete the sentences. 

1. If you join the Lions, ______

2. If you become a Lion, ______

3. And if you work really hard, ______

4. If you become a soccer player, ______

5. But if I don’t do this now, ______

a. you’ll be famous.

b. I’ll never do it.

c. you’ll become a great soccer player.

d. you’ll never go to college.

e. you’ll travel around the world.

... ... ...


Conversation 1

Agent: The lions are a great soccer team, you know!

Michael: Oh, I know.

Agent: If you join the Lions, you’ll become a great soccer player.

Michael:  I’m sure I will. Will I travel much?

Agent: Sure! If you become a lion, you’ll  travel around the world.

Michael: Sounds great.

Agent:  It is. And if you work really hard, you’ll be famous.

Michael: Well, I don’t know.

Conversation 2

Father: You shouldn’t join the lions  right now.

Michael: Why not?

Mother: If you become a soccer player, you’ll never go to college.

Michael: But I really want to play soccer. I want a job I love. I want to be happy.

Father:  Of course you want to be happy, but there are many interesting jobs out there.

Michael: But it’s my dream to play soccer with the Lions! It’s really exciting!

... ... ...


1. Read the article in Activity 2b.

2. Write about your own plans, using sentences with “if” and “will”.

My own plan 

I think I will be a teacher in ten years. If I become a teacher, I will work with children. I love children so I will be happy. I will also be able to work outside sometimes. But I won’t be famous. 

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